Canadian passport early renewal

What is a Canadian Passport Early Renewal?

A Canadian passport early renewal is the process of renewing your Canadian passport before it expires. This can be done if you have a valid passport that will expire within the next 12 months. It is important to note that you must meet all the requirements for a regular passport renewal in order to be eligible for an early renewal.

The main benefit of an early renewal is that it allows you to keep your current passport until the new one arrives. This means that you don’t have to worry about having to apply for a new passport in a rush if your current one expires before the new one arrives.

How to Apply for a Canadian Passport Early Renewal

In order to apply for a Canadian passport early renewal, you must first fill out an application form and submit it along with the required documents. The application form can be found on the Government of Canada website or at any Service Canada office. You will also need to provide two recent photographs, proof of identity, and payment for the processing fee.

Once your application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the Passport Office and they will determine whether or not you are eligible for an early renewal. If approved, your new passport will be sent to you within 6-8 weeks.

Benefits of Renewing Your Passport Early

Renewing your passport early has several benefits, including: avoiding delays in travel plans due to expired passports; avoiding additional fees associated with late renewals; and ensuring that your personal information remains up-to-date.

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It is also important to note that renewing your passport early can help protect against identity theft as it ensures that your personal information is kept up-to-date and secure.


Renewing your Canadian passport early is a great way to ensure that your travel plans are not disrupted due to an expired passport. It also helps protect against identity theft by keeping your personal information up-to-date and secure. To apply for an early renewal, simply fill out an application form and submit it along with the required documents.