what the temperature in Canada

What is the Temperature in Canada?

Canada is a large country with a wide range of climates. The temperature in Canada can vary greatly depending on where you are located. In the north, temperatures can reach as low as -40°C in winter and as high as 30°C in summer. In the south, temperatures are generally milder, ranging from -10°C to 25°C.

The average temperature in Canada varies by region. In the east, temperatures tend to be cooler than in the west. In the Prairies, temperatures are usually warmer than in other parts of the country. The highest average temperature is found in British Columbia, which has an average temperature of 8°C.

Average Temperatures by Province

The average temperature in each province or territory can vary significantly. In Nunavut, for example, the average temperature is -15°C while in British Columbia it is 8°C. In Alberta, the average temperature is 4°C while in Ontario it is 5°C. In Quebec, the average temperature is 6°C while in New Brunswick it is 7°C.

In Manitoba, the average temperature is 3°C while in Saskatchewan it is 2°C. In Nova Scotia, the average temperature is 6°C while in Prince Edward Island it is 7°C. In Newfoundland and Labrador, the average temperature is 4°C.

Factors Affecting Temperature

There are several factors that can affect the temperature in Canada including elevation, latitude and proximity to bodies of water. Areas at higher elevations tend to be cooler than areas at lower elevations. Areas closer to bodies of water tend to have milder temperatures than areas further away from them.

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Latitude also plays a role in determining temperatures across Canada. Areas closer to the equator tend to be warmer than areas further away from it. For example, southern regions such as British Columbia and Ontario tend to be warmer than northern regions such as Nunavut and Yukon.


The temperature in Canada can vary greatly depending on where you are located and what factors are affecting it. Average temperatures range from -40°C to 30°C depending on location and season. Factors such as elevation, latitude and proximity to bodies of water can all affect temperatures across Canada.